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Updated 8/27/2004

Wolfe Family 2004 Reunion Page

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The following pictures provided by
Sandra (Wolfe) Sommers

Sandra Wolfe, age 3


Emma Sours (Wolfe)
Sandra's Mother

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Happy Birthday Walter



Minutes from the 83rd Wolfe Reunion 2004

Composed by Eileen (Wolfe) Angelino

Webpage version edited by Jim Garcia



Due to the heavy rains the reunion was moved to Sandra and Jerry Sommer's home.

 A word of thanks was given to Sandra and Jerry for opening their home to us so we could have the reunion in their covered patio.



Eileen prepared words and pictures so we could have a group sing-along with  the Pennsylvania Dutch wording to "Schnitzelbank."  Ron Angelino accompanied us on the harmonica. 


Sandra prepared two word games to fill in the blanks.

The activities seemed to brighten  our spirits in spite of the gloomy weather.  Anyone is welcomed to bring ideas along next year.


President Ron Smith called the meeting to order. 

There was no need to have moments of remembrance.

Thanks be to God! 


Eileen read the minutes from last year.  Sandra made a correction to the balance of $95.18 to $113.39.


A motion was made to approve the minutes by Betty and seconded by Jim.   Minutes were approved.  Sandra reported the balance after $9.62 for stamps and $45.00 for the park permit was $58.77.  Eileen reported there was no  correspondence.


Election of officers:

President: Lee Wagner (moved up from V.P.)

Vice Pres.: Gerald Wolfe

Secretary: Eileen (Wolfe) Angelino

Treasurer: Sandra (Wolfe) Sommers






We decided a collection was not needed but after a later discussion to send a letter to all family in the directory, a collection was taken to help cover the cost of postage.






Roll Call

Total attendance was 24.

Those present were:

     Ron & Eileen Angelino,

     Richard & Pat Wolfe,

     Betty & Harry Jenkins,

     Walter & Nancy Walters,

     Sandra & Jerry  Sommers,

                                                              Gerald Wolfe & Joyce Morgenroth & Evangeline Wolfe,

 Neal Wolfe, Eva Wolfe,

     Ron & Nancy Smith,

     Virginia Smith, Jim & Linda Garcia,

     Guy & Linda Wagner & Mary Wagner with her friend Bethany Aravitch.


Topics for discussion were as follows:

 Eileen will try and work on a phone chain so we can contact one another
 immediately if needed.


Website Update

Jim Garcia has done a wonderful job with our website.

The address is:

 without the www. prefix because it is not a  world wide website.  Jim will add the video of us singing "Schnitzelbank"


Hope he can tweak it so we sound like the Morman Tabernacle Choir!  ( Contact Jerry Sommers for the joke). 


Remember to e-mail anything you'd like to add to the website or pictures with names and info to Jim. There is a beautiful mini biography of Lewis Wolfe on the website.  It would be great  to have one for all his siblings.  Especially if we could have one for each  of them by our 85th reunion in 2006!   Come on cousins . . . lets keep it going.


Emails should use Wolfe Reunion on Subject Line

Any correspondence with e-mail should use Wolfe reunion as the subject  matter to help us recognize the material and not accidentally delete it.


2005 Reunion

Plans for our next reunion are to have the reunion on Saturday, August 20th from 1:00PM  - 8:00PM.  Our first choice will be to try Bushkill Park. If that isn't possible then other locations such as Nazareth, Louise Moore, or Indian Trail Parks will be contacted.  Sandra and Walter will look into finding a  place.


Suggestions for next year's letter would be to include the website, ask for an RSVP, and send a letter to everyone on the directory.  This will require a collection to pay for the extra postage.


After discussion is was decided that Eileen would send a card of "cheer" to Betty Wolfe in Perkasie and Leo Wolfe from the family.


Meeting was adjourned. 

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